Resolved -
We are aware of an issue impacting a very small subset of Classes that may have caused issues with joining Class, causing an error of “The meeting number is wrong.“. A fix was deployed a fix at approximately 9:30 AM EDT, which resolved the issue permanently.
Aug 30, 10:35 EDT
Resolved -
Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 2:39 p.m. IST (Irish Standard Time) UTC/GMT +1: A small subset of Collaborate users may have temporarily experienced an A00 error when joining sessions on a single session server (ultra-eu-prod-saturn-i-03065aad4d0a9120b). Any users that are still experiencing issues should refresh their browser to reconnect to the session. For more information visit:
Aug 28, 09:53 EDT
Resolved -
Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 1:50 a.m. EST (Eastern Standard Time) UTC/GMT -5 hours - The Collaborate Engineering team was alerted to a spike in disconnections that affected the US hosting region. The system stabilized after 10-15 minutes. End-user impact varied because of an unanticipated increase in usage in the region. However, in the vast majority of cases, a seamless reconnection would have mitigated any disruption to live sessions. The Collaborate Engineering team has confirmed that the impact was due to a spike in usage that required the team to upscale the region.
Aug 28, 03:59 EDT